



1) 无脊椎动物分类与生态学:寡毛类等动物分类,底栖动物群落结构和食物网等 ;
2) 富营养化与稳态转换:确证富营养化的关键控制因子(磷或磷 + 氮?),研究亚热带浅水湖泊稳态转换的机制与阈值,提出宏观可行、经济实用的富营养化治理对策;
3) 河流 - 泛滥平原生态学:分析水文情势变化对大型河流及其附属湿地的影响,开展环境水流需求研究,提出长江、黄河等大型河流 - 泛滥平原生态系统的整体修复和保护对策;
4) 生物监测与生态健康评价:开展河流与湖泊生态系统监测,构建生态系统健康的诊断评价指标体系,为生态系统适应性管理提供科学依据。
1. 长江经济带干流岸线生态修复与调控关键技术,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类),2019-2023 
2. 湖泊水环境生态风险系统评价与预警体系研究,国家重大科技专项子课题,2017-2021 

3. 基于底栖动物的长江中游干流环境水流需求研究,国家自然基金,2016-2019 

4. 典型湖泊生态灾害对渔业生境和生物多样性的影响及其预测评估,重点研发项目子课题,2018-2022年 

5. 中科院青年创新促进会优秀会员, 中科院人事局,人才项目,2019-2021年 

6. 水陆交错带自组织修复技术评价,国家科技重大专项任务,2017-2021 

7. 青海湖渔业环境饵料生物调查,其他委托,2019-2021年  


1.  Hai Jun Wang, Xu Cheng Xiao, Hong Zhu Wang, et al..2017. Effects of high ammonia concentrations on three cyprinid fish: acute and whole-ecosystem chronic tests. Science Science of the Total Environment. 598: 900-909. 

2.  WANG Haijun, Chi Xu, WANG Hongzhu, Sarian Kosten.2017. Long-term density dependent effects of the Chinese mitten crab (Eriocheir sinensis (H. Milne Edwards, 1854)) on submersed macrophytes, Aquatic Botany,140: 84-91. 

3.  Hai Jun Wang. 2017. Reply to Cao et al.'s comment on "Does the responses of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara to high nitrogen loading differ between the summer high-growth season and the low-growth season? Science of the Total Environment,601–602 (2017) 15131521.Science of the Total Environment. 615: 1093-1094 

4.  Qing Yu, Hai-Jun Wang, Hong-Zhu Wang, Yan Li, Xiao-Min Liang, Chi Xu, Erik Jeppesen.2017. Does the responses of Vallisneria natans (Lour.) Hara to high nitrogen loading differ between the summer high-growth season and the low-growth season? Science Science of the Total Environment, Science Science of the Total Environment.601-602: 15131521. 

5.  Yan Lia, Hong Zhu Wanga, Xiao Min Liang, Qing Yu, Xu Cheng Xia , Jian Chun Shaob, Hai Jun Wang.2017.Total phytoplankton abundance is determined by phosphorus input: Evidence from an 18-month fertilization experiment in 4 subtropical ponds.. Canadian Journal of Fisheries & Aquatic Sciences, 74 (9): 1454-1461. 

6.  Xueqin Liua, Zhendong Yang, Saibo Yuana. 2017.Hongzhu Wang. 2017. A novel methodology for the assessment of water level requirements in shallow lakes. Ecological Engineering, 102, 31-38. 

7.  Saibo Yuan, Zhendong Yang, Xueqin Liu1 &,Hongzhu Wang.2017.Key Parameters of Water Level Fluctuations Determining the Distribution of Carex in Shallow Lakes, Wetlands, 37, 1005-1014. 

8.  YU PENG, HONGZHU WANG, YONGDE CUI.207.Four species of Tubifex Lamarck (Annelida: Oligochaeta: Naididae) from TibetChina. Zootaxa , 43202):366-378. 

9.  Ma, S. N., H. J. Wang, H. Z. Wang, Y. Li, M. Liu, X. M. Liang, Q. Yu, E. Jeppesen & M. S?ndergaard. 2018. High ammonium loading can increase alkaline phosphatase activity and promote sediment phosphorus release: A two-month mesocosm experiment. Water Research, 145: 388-397.  

10. Liu, X. Q. & H. Z. Wang. 2018. Effects of loss of lateral hydrological connectivity on fish functional diversity. Conservation Biology, 32, 1336-1345.  

11. Wang, S. R., X. Q. Liu, X. Y. Liu & Wang. H. Z. 2018. Contrasting patterns of macroinvertebrates inshore vs. offshore in a plateau eutrophic lake: Implications for lake management. Limnologica, 70,10-19. 261.        Liu, X. Q. & H. Z. Wang. 2018. Contrasting patterns and drivers in taxonomic versus functional diversity, and community assembly of aquatic plants in subtropical lakes. Biodiversity and Conservation, 27, 3103-3118.  

12. Fan, S. R., H. Liu, G. M. Zheng, Y. L. Wang, S. R. Wang, Y. Liu, X. Q.Liu & Y. Wan. 2018. Differences in phytoaccumulation of organic pollutants in freshwater submerged and emergent plants. Environmental Pollution, 241, 247-253.  

13. 马雅雪,刘学勤,姚维林,袁赛波。2019。长江干流宜昌-安庆段底栖动物群落结构及环境分析。水生生物学报,433. 

14. 王海军,王洪铸,赵永晶,潘保柱,舒凤月,冯伟松,梁小民。2019。长江中下游浅水湖群底栖动物资源量宏观格局与预测模型。 水生生物学报学报,2019421 

15. Yuan, S. B., Z. D. YangX. Q. Liu & H. Z. Wang. 2019. Water level requirements of a Carex hygrophyte in Yangtze floodplain lakes. Ecological Engineering, 129, 29-37.  

1. 王洪铸,2002。中国小蚓类研究。北京,高等教育出版社,228页。 
2. 刘学勤,杨震东,袁赛波,王洪铸。2018。一种湖泊生态水位计算方法。发明专利,ZL201610458685.3.
